
Definition of Done

35 views April 12, 2017 April 12, 2017 admin 0

What is Definition of Done Check Here

Define Definition of Done(DoD) for any story/task from shortlist of story/task.

Set DoD as required/Not Required. Required DoD’s has to check by team members when they mark the task as complete.

Define DoD at various levels like Company level like Project / Story / Task / Team /  Personal.

Company level DoD can be managed from Administration menu – > Organization DoD.

Project level DoD can be managed from project setting.

Story level DoD can be managed from story shortlist.

Task level DoD can be managed from task shortlist.

Team level DoD can be managed from project setting – > manage team ->team list, In team list user can see this  icon, by clicking on this icon user can manage DoD.

Personal DoD can be managed from profile of users.

DoD can be useful in story closed and task closed time.

if user closed any story/task then the user can see this type of popup for DoD reminder. All Required DoD’s has to be marked true in order to process the tracking to complete.

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